About Us

Pathways for Wildlife is a research organization developed by Wildlife Ecologist Tanya Diamond and Wildlife Researcher Ahíga Snyder in 2013. Pathways for Wildlife works with land trusts, conservation organizations, and transportation agencies, to help identify important wildlife and habitat linkages for land conservation efforts by conducting wildlife connectivity surveys and implementing connectivity designs for wildlife movement within a landscape. Data collection used to develop wildlife connectivity plans include data from field cameras, roadkill surveys, tracking data, GIS habitat suitability modeling, and linkage analyses.
Several projects have resulted in significant funding for land conservation to protect wildlife linkages that animals have been documented using to travel through various landscapes. Pathways also work with Caltrans and local transportation authorities to implement connectivity designs along highways, such as installing culverts as wildlife crossing structures, directional fencing designs to guide wildlife to bridges and culverts, and work on wildlife overpass planning projects.

Tanya and Ahiga enjoy wildlife tracking along the rivers and within the neighboring meadows of their new home in South Lake Tahoe. They have spent the last ten years conducting wildlife tracking workshops in the Bay Area and are thrilled to be learning the tracks of bear and pine marten within their new habitat. Tanya and Ahiga also enjoy mountain bike riding and learning how to cross-country ski in between conducting their fieldwork projects.